More and more city dwellers are realizing the great benefits of spending some time in nature. Inhaling the fresh air of fields and forests, our lungs are at least a little cleared of city fire and gases. The most convenient time for being outdoors, of course, is the end of spring, summer and the beginning of autumn. The oxygen given off by plants can be inhaled around the clock. During the day we try to stay outside as long as possible – in the garden or on the terrace, at night fresh air enters the room through an open window.
Everyone who has spent at least a week in nature notes a significant increase in body tone. Many families, especially those with children, rent a house in the countryside for the summer. But there are many who have built their summer cottages and are engaged in agriculture on a small summer cottage.
Studies have shown that the cleanest air, after all, is in winter. And it is desirable to find time to visit the country house in winter. True, not all summer cottages have insulation. For such cases, modern industry produces very convenient stoves for summer cottages. These compact metal stoves are designed to quickly heat a room with wood and maintain a normal temperature for a long time. In addition, such stoves are very convenient for heating a garage and a small warehouse. They are comfortable and quickly mounted and dismantled, so they are not necessary to leave in the country unattended.