Arrangement of a warm floor is a modern, recognized way to provide reliable space heating, not only as an auxiliary, but also as the main way. The obvious advantages of a heated floor, such as uniform distribution of heat, a healthy and comfortable stay in a room heated in this way (an excellent implementation of the wise folk advice to keep your feet warm), have long been noted and appreciated by merit, already in the distant beginning of the past, the 20th century this concept has found its way.
Currently, two types of underfloor heating are widely used – water (a pipeline with a liquid coolant inside mounted in the floor screed) and electric, also of several types:
– infrared heating film;
– heating mats;
– heating cable in floor screed.
We are now more interested in electric floor heating and its most “solid”, one might say, capital option – using a heating cable /warm-floors/nagrevatelnyj-kabel-v-styazhku. It is believed that it is the heating electric cable, placed in a concrete floor screed to a depth of 3 to 5 centimeters, that is the ancestor of all modern warm floors. This is indeed the most powerful option, capable of delivering a power input in the range of 10-25 W/m.
It should be noted that the constructive and operational reliability of heating cables (especially when it comes to new technologies) has been noticed by road builders and landscape designers: in developed countries, no one can be surprised by eternally dry and clean footpaths heated in this way, car parks and adjacent to shopping, office or administrative buildings territories. Landscape specialists are exploiting the ability of a heating cable to work in a layer of soil with might and main. And builders in this way heat the roof and sewage systems, which now do not freeze and regularly perform the functions of removing moisture.
Structurally, heating cables are quite complex, they consist of 1 or 2 heating conductors and a multilayer sheath, each layer of which performs its own, very important function. A single-core cable, properly laid, must return to the place where it was laid and terminated in the thermostatic unit. Two-wire – already closed, so it is used in narrow, long spaces, laying only in one direction.