When purchasing a designer bag, it is important to be sure that you are getting an original product of high quality. There are many small details that you should pay attention to in order to distinguish a genuine bag from a fake. Modern brand companies offer a wide variety of designer bags. To purchase an original designer handbag, you must make a purchase from official suppliers or manufacturers’ representatives.
What should you pay attention to?
To purchase truly original bags, you should pay attention to the following indicators:
- brand characteristics;
- quality of materials;
- quality of finishing;
- rivets, etc.
Counterfeits often have inaccuracies in the logo, branding elements and labels. Make sure brand symbols look accurate and neat. Also check the spelling of the brand name. Original designer handbag are made from high quality materials such as genuine leather or durable textile fabrics. The finish should be neat, without visible seams or glue marks. Quality bags usually have high quality metal hardware such as rivets, zippers, clasps and handles. Make sure all components are securely attached and working well.
Attention to detail
Counterfeits may have slight differences in design and proportions compared to the original. Pay attention to all the design details, as well as the size and shape of the bag. Designer bags are made with great attention to detail and quality. Original products have well-taped and stitched seams, neat corners and straight lines.
Authentic designer bags come with official documentation such as certificates of authenticity, brand tags and care instructions. Make sure you have all the necessary documents and original packaging. If you want to purchase a really high-quality, stylish model, you should pay attention to the Hermes bag. This company produces practical, functional and stylish bags that can be an excellent addition to the look of any fashionista.
Distinguishing a fake designer bag from a fake one can be difficult, but paying close attention to all the details will help you make the right choice. If you have any doubts about the authenticity of a product, it is better to contact the official brand stores or trusted distributors.