Since ancient times, people had to build their dwellings on some elevation above the ground. This was done so that wild animals could not enter the room, snakes crawled. And in areas with an excess amount of moisture in the ground under the house, they also made a special air space so that dry air was kept in the room. Otherwise, moisture could quickly render the house unusable, and mold adversely affected human health.
Thus, in order to get into the building, we had to make steps. But even a small ascent of the stairs required appropriate support for the hands to make it more convenient to climb, especially if the person had any load with him. And the railing began to serve as such a support. Naturally, the very first were made of wood. However, the desire of people for beauty made them decorate the railings with drawings and carvings. When they began to build buildings from stone, then the railings, respectively, were made from it.
And the decoration of such railings served as supports for them – balusters, which not only held the railing, but created a certain interior. But life goes on, new materials appear that allow you to keep the railing in its original form for a long time. These materials include stainless steel. Stainless steel railings have a very presentable appearance, and are in line with modern fashion trends. Such railings are very convenient to use in various public places.