When buying a new apartment, we expect, first of all, not so much a new home as a new stage in life, new beginnings, new impressions, a clean slate. We can buy an apartment in a new building or in an old one, and both have their own advantages. In the new house, we like the idea that no one has lived in this room before, and in the old house there is less likelihood of respiratory diseases (for example, for asthma sufferers, because, anyway, the smell of building materials remains in the new house for a long time). The biggest difference is whether our apartment is “empty”, i.e.e. do we need to carry out repairs ourselves, choose furniture, appliances, curtains, in the end, or will all this be done by someone else. In other words, turnkey apartment renovation, the prices of which vary depending on the size of the premises, becomes a worthy alternative to self-repair.
What is it about? Turnkey apartments are premises from which you receive the keys, enter and … everything is ready. No construction and repair, you can immediately live, make plans, start a family. While you are minding your own business, the builders will do all the work.
Of course, the order is performed by one contractor. At the same time, the total cost of repair is reduced, and since the order is executed by one company, you will always know who to complain if something does not suit you. Obviously, such a repair, by virtue of its convenience, will be different from the simple purchase of the “empty” apartment, the cost design of the project, which will be developed with your participation, t.E. Given your wishes, it will not be high if competently approach the choice of the artist.
In general, the participation of the designer is desirable, as it is obvious that the designer will be able to offer many different solutions for your apartment, so do not lay on a good specialist, because it is for you to live in this apartment and call it your home. Although in some cases his participation is not required, as, for example, in minor repairs to an apartment (installing hangers, cornices, plastic corners), removing wallpaper or tiles (if we are talking about an old house) or even rough repairs.
The designer is involved only at the stage of the so-called fine finishing, and if you only need to install curtains, then it is not necessary to call the designer. Although even in such a matter as curtains, he will have something to advise.
Article prepared by interior design studio Deko Art.