The main role is played by the notorious Mads Mikkelson, who is filmed both in Denmark and in Hollywood. The hero of Mads Mikkelson – Lucas, a simple man who is not very lucky in life. He is a teacher, lives a single life, is divorced and works as a kindergarten teacher. Fighting for custody of her child. Good man who likes all others. But once because of the ridiculous lies of one little girl, his life will fly into pieces, all that was expensive him – becomes hostile and frightening. Every next step made by them to correct the situation, only worsens the situation.
Familiar and relatives do not believe him. And comes devastation that takes everything. So that the picture looked more interesting, the director did so that the viewer himself did not fully understand, the guilty of our hero is guilty or not. A film about how easy it is to make a monster from an ordinary person who does not need anyone. About how such sores lives and how much to be strong is not to break under the pressure. Therefore, we recommend the film Hunting Watch Online!
Although the story shown is not so original, because in life there is no little originality in life, but it is pleased with emotionality. In general, this is an excellent film, relevant, real, the tragedy of one person against the prejudice of public opinion. Amazing acting, directing and cinematography.
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